Eggcelerate! Jam Entry Post Mortem

April 25, 2020

LudumDare 46 Details


The theme of LudumDare was announced at 9:00pm Friday evening. Keep It Alive. I like sketching ideas on a scratchpad, but the bamboo tablet was fighting me with Windows Ink or other Photoshop settings. It took ten minutes to setup a relay stream from my macbook which has a much better tablet setup, but it made it more comfortable for sketching.

After running through some ideas, with my twitch viewers throwing in great comments, I steered very quickly into the egg in a bowl on a car. Actually I have wanted to make this very game for years, as it can be a good training tool for driving smoothly at the limit. I continued brainstorming for a bit longer, but this was the idea that pulled the hardest.

45 minutes after the theme announcement I had committed to the idea and created a list of tasks required for the game. Being near bedtime I chose to work on modeling assets for the game. This is one of the first jams I have ever started with art before programming. Doing so can be somewhat risky, especially  if ideas or concepts are subject to change. I knew the basic objects; car, bowl, egg and some track segments would not be a waste of time.

It took one hour to get all the assets created, using Imphenzia’s method to make the cars was very quick and easy; though I can’t do them in 10 minutes. Yet! Perhaps my blender practicing is starting to pay off as this process went super smoothly. With some art created I jumped into Unity. At that point I had used Unity for less than 15 hours, and this would be my first jam in it. Upon importing the assets I noticed issues with the lighting and coloring. I went back and forth between Blender and Unity trying to find the issue, tried exporting to fbx manually, nothing fixed it. Though I didn’t figure it out until the middle of the next day, it turned out that my 4×16 color palette was being compressed and lost color information. Read the rest of this entry »

October 2019 Review

November 3, 2019

  • Total income: $335.12 without personal investments
  • Total income: $3466.44 with personal investments
  • Total expenses: $0.00
  • Total hours: 106

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LudumDare 37: Haunted Room

January 2, 2017

20161211204453_screenshotDuring the ramp up of the LudumDare weekend I didn’t actually pay much attention to the themes I was voting on, or which was popular or not. I didn’t even take the top 20 list and try thinking of different ideas like I’ve done in the past. One Room was announced as the theme and immediately I was at a loss. Like normal everybody Read the rest of this entry »

October Back-and-Forth

October 29, 2016


First, I’ve abandoned the blog for a while and I shall apologize for anyone who actually reads my entries, perhaps only to my future self. An avid reader would know I did #Artember but I don’t think I ever mentioned taking part in Read the rest of this entry »

LudumDare 36: Ancient Robots

September 5, 2016


What a weekend project this one proved to be, I spent most of my Friday looking through the themes to get basic ideas, something I usually avoid. Prior to theme announcement I was assuming the theme would be unfavorable, since I had great ideas for others and so-so ideas for the rest. Ancient Technology was a so-so idea that Read the rest of this entry »

LudumDare 35: Elemental Shift

April 29, 2016

20160426194038_screenshotMaking a game in 48-hours is a great way to spend a weekend, it is a short window of time but generally enough get something small created and, sometimes, polished. For the past few Ludum Dare events I have been participating with a team, usually a musician and an artist, but for LD34 the team was of 5 people, 2 artists, a musician and a designer, with of course myself being Read the rest of this entry »

Ascending Roots

December 16, 2015

20151214201402_screenshotLudumDare is game jam or competition of sorts, though there are no rewards and winning isn’t about placing first. Thousands come together during a single weekend to create nearly 3000 games! I was joined by four other fine developers during the 34th LudumDare event and we together spent 72 hours creating a Read the rest of this entry »

Post-Mortem: Burden (LudumDare #33)

September 1, 2015


Burden follows a woman’s journey through her past, as she is chased by her traumatic and guilt-ridden memories of the plane crash that killed her family. She was the only survivor.

The game was made for LudumDare #33 as a Jam entry.  A team of three with less than 72 hours, Jeremy “mmango” Bell doing audio, Daniel “MechanicalLife” Akesson doing visuals and myself doing the programming. Read the rest of this entry »

#1HGJ Entry – Chess

July 4, 2015



Here is a game I made in a single hour for OneHourGameJam the theme, and thus title is: Chess

Chess (for Mac OS X)

Chess (for Windows)

Working on a game in an hour is a great way to learn the weaknesses about your development pipeline, be it in coding, art or audio.  The result is almost always a project that will get thrown away, seriously it took 60 minutes to make, but the experience is certain to teach you something and sharpen game development skills.

The game has nothing to do with the game of chess, or theme.  The plan was to have the blue squares become pawns and then have other pieces behind them, but 60 minutes was not enough time.

#1HGJ Entry – Teamwork

June 13, 2015


Here is a game I made in a single hour for OneHourGameJam the theme, and thus title is: Teamwork

Teamwork (for Mac OS X)

Teamwork (for Windows)

Working on a game in an hour is a great way to learn the weaknesses about your development pipeline, be it in coding, art or audio.  The result is almost always a project that will get thrown away, seriously it took 60 minutes to make, but the experience is certain to teach you something and sharpen game development skills.

Things learned during this hour:

  • Although the template_entity helped a lot, I need to make use of the Entity Behavior System better.
  • Fixed a bug with the EntityManager, which is always a benefit.
  • I believe a TileSystem, and appropriate entity behaviors could make richer experiences.