Midway Point of 2016

June is wrapping up, meaning that the year is almost half over, or half the year is yet to come. Looking back at my goals for this year I’m on target for some, haven’t started others and in danger of completely failing some. As written at the start of the year my goals for the year were:

  • Keep at $2000mo for student loan payments. (on track to surpass)
  • Read at least 6 books, cover to cover. (have read 3 books, started 2 larger text books)
  • Write a blog post at least once every two weeks, weekly preferred. (clearly failed at writing in this blog)
  • Go camping/hiking and practice bushcraft / survival skills at least 6 times. (at least 6 nights spent outside already)
  • Participate in at least 2 full racing seasons in iRacing. (one full season complete)
  • Complete 7 of 12 OneGameAMonth games. (failed to submit a single entry, but LD35 would count as 1)
  • Catch up TurtleBrains documentation, and create a sample game project. (still need to create sample and documentation)
  • Get three developers to try TurtleBrains and collect feedback. (still need to create sample and documentation)
  • Earn at least $1 from hobby/personal game development efforts. (made no real effort yet towards this)
  • Do art everyday for at least 30 consecutive days. (made no real effort yet towards this)

Being halfway through the year, a few of these are complete wipes. I haven’t had nearly as much time for hobby/personal development as I had last year. So TurtleBrains has suffered as have the 1GAM projects. I would like to get at least a single developer to try the framework but it really does need high level documentation first. It looks like this won’t be the year I make money from my personal development efforts either, although I won’t give up just yet. I nearly finished a second season in iRacing but life got busy and took time away for several weeks, I may just let that one lay where it is, or I may race in season 2016S4.

I haven’t done much art at all, and honestly I really should give that a solid attempt. I may change it a little bit though, to include graphics programming. This could be shaders, animation, shadows or other engine technologies that could help ZoomCarWorld3 come to life. This might be stretching the definition of “art” a little, but I think it works to my larger goal of creating a racing simulator. As such I am also modifying the 1GAM projects to be either a smaller sized game project (24 hours or so in size/scope), or a technical demo/simulation much like my Double-Wishbone Suspension Simulation that I am still working on simulating.

The  TurtleBrains goals may be a wash for the year as my primary focus is moving forward on my racing simulator with the first basic playable of ZoomCarWorld3 hopefully being semi-playable this year.

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