Indie Adventure: September 2018
Income:Â $8687.64
- $8681.88 Personal Investments
- $5.75 Interest from Savings
- $0.01 Interest from Checkings
For the purpose of these reports income is defined as the money that has reached my hands, or more technically the adventure bank/paypal accounts.
Expenses:Â $211.87
- $181.88 for hardware upgrades – 500gb nvme ssd and usb3 hub.
- $29.99 to Adobe Inc, for discounted yearly subscription.
This is straight forward, the loot I’ve spent hard earned gold on during the month.
Sales / Sources:
- $0.00 for 0 sales of Archer
- $48.45 from super supportive Twitch viewers
Important note here, Sales/Sources contains money that may, or may not, have reached the accounts via income. The actual values may be inflated from what actually gets pulled in, say from distribution platforms taking a cut, cuts for transferring money.
Tracked Hours:
- 184 hours
Adventure Totals:
$2212.62 + $8293.89 ($8505.76 - $211.87) =$10506.51
Note: There is another discrepancy from August end to September start; caused by – lets face it there is something odd going on each month. I will take a deeper look and change the data as necessary when I figure it out.
Future Quest:
The month of October already started. I have embarked on a side quest that result in skill points for art. Tombstone Boo! is a project taking two weeks of my Indie Adventure that will focus directly on practicing art. I aim to spend less than 15hrs of programming on the project, and have a hard cut-off at 20hrs. The game will be released for free later before Halloween.
I will be streaming the next Indie Tavern on November 4th, 9am to 10am ET. Go to the link and setup a reminder!