Goodbye to 2015

Looking Back

I have managed to lose the list of goals I set out for during 2015, my old racing team forum has now disappeared and all the information was lost. A bit unfortunate since my yearly goals have been kept there since 2009. I know that my financial goal for my student loans was not only met but exceeded! I failed at my writing and reading goals, although I did read a handful of books and wrote a lot of documentation for TurtleBrains, although I’m not sure if that really counts.

I didn’t quite make 12 games for as planned either, but looking forward I hope to do a few more. I managed 5 of 12 in 2015 and aim for 7 of 12 going forward into the new year. Any other goals or plans were lost and it seems forgotten about, so I didn’t do so great for 2015, my memory is pretty awful though, so I may have done better than I expect?

Going Forward

  • Keep at $2000mo for student loan payments.
  • Read at least 6 books, cover to cover.
  • Write a blog post at least once every two weeks, weekly preferred.
  • Go camping/hiking and practice bushcraft / survival skills at least 6 times.
  • Participate in at least 2 full racing seasons in iRacing.


  • Complete 7 of 12 OneGameAMonth games.
  • Catch up TurtleBrains documentation, and create a sample game project.
  • Get three developers to try TurtleBrains and collect feedback.
  • Earn at least $1 from hobby/personal game development efforts.
  • Do art everyday for at least 30 consecutive days.

Those are some big plans! TurtleBrains needs a lot of high level documentation written and some of that requires a bit of cleanup / polish in the public facing interfaces. Getting a few other developers to use the framework would prove invaluable to finding issues and getting feedback. The financial goal is still going to be a challenge, but I know it is attainable with my current financial situation. It would be nice to finally make money from my personal development efforts, so I will hold myself to that in 2016.

Image Credit: “Fireworks Pécs 02” by User:Peti610Own work. Licensed under GFDL via Wikimedia Commons.

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