#ifdef tb_generate_documentation
#error This file should not be included in any project. It is for generating TurtleBrains documentation using Doxygen.
/// @page pageGameDevelopment Developing Games
/// More info can be found about this on the following pages:
/// - @subpage pageOverviewScreenResolution
/// - @subpage pageGameMainLoop
/// - @subpage pageGameSceneManagement
/// - @subpage pageGameOverview
/// - @subpage pageGameEggDropTutorial
/// - \subpage pageOverviewSpriteSheets
/// - \subpage pageOverviewEntityCollision
/// Overview like information can be found on these pages:
/// - @subpage pageOverviewAudioSystem
/// - @subpage pageOverviewEntityManagement
/// @page pageGameOverview HowTo: Start a Game Project
/// @brief Provides a high level look at creating a Two-Dimensional Game using %TurtleBrains.
/// @details Starting your first game with TurtleBrains
/// -# Derive a custom class for a scene from TurtleBrains::Game::GameScene
/// -# Create an instance of the TurtleBrains::Game::GameApplication
/// -# Call RunGame(gameScene) and watch the magic unfold
/// @section sectionBasicGameStep1 Create your game scene
/// The most involved step will be creating the gameplay scene, a class derived from TurtleBrains::Game::GameScene that
/// manages the objects and logic for the game.
/// my_game_scene.h
/// @snippet tb_basic_game_example.cpp exampleBasicGameSceneHeader
/// my_game_scene.cpp
/// @snippet tb_basic_game_example.cpp exampleBasicGameSceneSource
/// That will create an extremely basic scene presenting a black screen, pretty boring. From here you can load assets
/// for the scene in OnOpen(), which is invoked just before the scene will be made active and visible. Also add any
/// graphics and entities, bringing the scene to life.
/// @section sectionBasicGameStep2 Start and run the game.
/// With MyGameScene prepared, even as a mundane black screen, the game can get started. It is a simple process of
/// creating an instance of GameApplication and invoking RunGame with the yet to be interesting MyGameScene.
/// main.cpp
/// @snippet tb_basic_game_example.cpp exampleBasicGameMainSource
/// That was short and simple, and results a blank, black screen. What fun that is!
/// @section sectionBasicGameStep3 Bring life into the game.
/// Now we can add awesome things to the game. [documentation still in progress, need to write a full sample project]
/// @page pageGameMainLoop Game Loop
/// @details The game loop is split into three primary functions; Simulate, Update and Render that keep the game moving
/// along and displaying new frames.
/// - Simulate can be called 0 to N times per frame and will be called at a fixed time interval. Generally this is where
/// game logic should be placed so that the game is deterministic. By default this fixed time interval is called at
/// 100hz although can be modified with TurtleBrains::Game::GameTimer::SetMillisecondsPerStep().
/// \n\n
/// - Update will be called once per frame, every frame, and is supplied with the deltaTime. deltaTime is the amount of
/// time that passed since the previous call, although clamped to a maximum of 1/30 if the previous frame took longer.
/// Update is generally where input should be checked since input is polled once a frame and Simulate could skip
/// a key press or release.
/// \n\n
/// - Render is also called exactly once per frame, after both Simulate and Update calls so that the new frame can be
/// displayed.
/// @page pageGameSceneManagement Game Scene Management
/// @details Admittedly the scene management is fairly basic, supplying no transitioning between scenes or other
/// glamorous features*. But you can create multiple scenes derived from TurtleBrains::Game::GameScene and change
/// between them using TurtleBrains::Game::GameScene::ChangeToScene().
/// Although there is no transition help, a GameScene has powerful management of @ref TurtleBrains::Graphics::Graphic "Graphic"
/// and @ref TurtleBrains::Game::Entity "Entity" objects. Each scene is an @ref TurtleBrains::Game::EntityManager "EntityManager"
/// that will automatically perform Simulate, Update and Render on all entities.
/// Like the GameScene each Entity also contains the functionality of a GraphicList, meaning multiple Graphic objects
/// can be added to and managed by the single entity object.
/// When adding an Entity or Graphic to be contained by a GraphicList or EntityManager it is critically important
/// to understand the difference in how the object gets added. When adding by pointer, the container will take full
/// control and will even call delete on that object. Useful when adding elements that can be forgotten about. When
/// adding a by reference, the container will not delete the object, but it is extremely important to keep the
/// object in scope until it is removed from the container.
/// The @ref TurtleBrains::Game::Entity "Entity" also contains a stack based state/behavior "machine". This allows
/// multiple behaviors to be pushed onto the entity that pop off or change depending on the needs at that moment.
/// *at current time, though transitions would be nice to support in future releases.
#endif /* tb_generate_documentation */